Mobile App Development - Sudan (Khartoum)

Portfolio Information

  • Client :GIZ Sudan, Khartoum
  • Date :22 Feb
  • Tags :Programming

Mobile App Development - Sudan (Khartoum)

Consultancy for the GIZ Step Challenge Mobile App - 2019

Project Scope: The "GIZ Step Challenge Mobile App - 2019" project was conceived and planned by GIZ for their staff in Sudan and other offices across East Africa. This unique initiative aimed to foster employee engagement and well-being through a friendly competition among GIZ employees. The primary focus of the mobile app was to track and count daily steps taken by individual employees and aggregate these steps into branch-specific groups. At the end of the challenge period, the app would calculate the total steps for each office branch, determining the winner and recognizing the branch with the highest step count.

Key Features and Functionality:

The mobile app offered a range of features to support this exciting competition:

• Step Counting: The app provided a user-friendly step counting mechanism that allowed employees to effortlessly log their daily step counts.

• Real-time Data: Employees could view their daily step counts in real-time, offering them instant feedback on their progress.

• Branch-Specific Groups: The app organized employees into branch-specific groups, enabling participants to track their performance within their respective office branches.

• Competition Dashboard: A dedicated dashboard was available for employees, displaying their step count progress and rankings within their branch.

• Admin Dashboard: Administrators had access to a comprehensive dashboard to monitor the entire competition, view branch statistics, and ensure the smooth operation of the challenge.

This project exemplified GIZ's commitment to promoting a healthy and engaging work environment for their staff. The mobile app not only encouraged physical activity and friendly competition but also provided a platform for employees to connect and support each other in achieving their fitness goals. The real-time data and user-friendly interface ensured that the challenge was engaging and easy to participate in, further enhancing employee well-being and camaraderie across GIZ offices in East Africa.
